An open book and a pen.


In the pursuit of writing something profound I turned to poetry, as some things could not be said just with order and structure. There is a delicate process to writing, however to poetry it seems like a storm in comparison. There is no preconceived notion or afterthought, it comes spilling out like blood after a deep cut. These musings and poetical meanderings were left in the hidden, shared with but a select few; now however I have compiled the best ones for the world to see.

The writings are about the same as the paintings; the same stories, the same words just communicated through a different medium. They are both of the same worlds, and they are made with the same blood, infused with the same spirit.

Other than poetry I have written extensively about the creative process, about life in general as well as spirituality and symbolism. All the written Work which is finished and complete is available both for purchase as e-books or available to download for free on this site. When they are available for print it will be announced, in order to stay tuned in and up to date with the process make sure to subscribe to our newsletter.

All my writings that are complete and finished are available for free on this site as a PDF to download. Some of it is available to read right on this site. However if you would like to support the projects and the Work, please consider buying one or leaving a donation.

Press any title to download the file as a PDF.

Yesterday's Reminiscent Fragrance - Poem Collection: I

Cold Winter's Embrace - Poem Collection: II

Oceanic Sight: Spectral Knowledge - Poem Collection: III